Agatha Christie.
All books and stories (full list of works)
As you know, Agatha Christie wrote detectives. Even as a child, she read out the terrible stories of
Edgar Allan Poe, and this undoubtedly laid aside her imprint on her love for this literary genre, which was then only being conceived. By the way, Edgar Poe is considered to be the ancestor of the detective genre, and the first detective story is Murder on Morgue Street. However, detectives became really popular in England after the release of the novels of the English writer Wilkie Collins "Woman in White" (1860) and "Moonstone" (1868). Also at that time the novels of Arthur Conan Doyle, who can be said to be a contemporary of Agatha Christie, were popular. The years of life of Arthur Conan Doyle
What is a detective?
Detective (from lat. Detego - open, expose) - a literary genre that describes the process of investigating a mysterious incident in order to clarify the circumstances of its occurrence. Usually such an incident is a crime. If there is nothing mysterious in the incident, then this is no longer a detective story, but one of its related genres, for example, a police novel.
3. Types of detective
Dear reader, you are undoubtedly a fan of the detective genre. Be patient! After all, you want to know about the types of detective. All the books of Agatha Christie you will find - HERE
Agatha Christie was a master of the classic gated detective. This is a detective in which a crime is committed in a secluded place and the number of suspects is limited. Therefore, from the very beginning it is clear that the murder was committed by any of the people who are known to the reader from the very beginning. A private investigator always appears at the scene of a crime, who helps the police investigate a murder. Often, such a detective has an assistant who in his mental abilities corresponds to the average reader. As a rule, in such a detective killer is a character familiar to the reader who did not arouse suspicion at all. Sometimes in a closed detective, a whole series of murders are committed and, thus, the number of suspects is reduced. Almost all the works of Agatha Christie are such detectives, but the most striking work can be called
"Ten Little Indians."

Psychological detective is a type of detective who focuses on the study of criminal behavior and personal motives for committing a crime (for example, “The Killing of Roger Ekroyd”).

A very interesting historical detective story. In this case, the action takes place in the past or a long-standing crime is investigated. I highly recommend reading the book of Agatha Christie “Death Comes at the End”, which takes place in ancient Egypt. Another historical detective Agatha Christie - "Five Little Pigs".

If we talk about the ironic detective story, then Daria Dontsova took the place of Agatha Christie, since all her books belong to this subgenre.

A fantastic detective story can rightly be called a Russian detective story. Stanislav Lev, Kir Bulychev, Isaac Asimov, Sergey Lukyanenko, Strugatsky brothers, Boris Akunin worked in this genre.

There is also a police detective (it describes the work of a group of police officers), a criminal detective story (events are described on behalf of a criminal), political and spy detective stories, but they are far from the classical genre and in this article I will not consider them. From the works of Agatha Christie to the political detective it is fashionable to attribute the work “Big Four”, and to the spyware “The Cat among the Pigeons”