Soil pollution is a current issue. With its direct impact on the environment and consequently on the health of humans, animals and plants, soil pollution is a real problem that
mobilizes both political powers and citizens.

Let's see what exactly it looks like, what can be the causes of soil pollution and, to better understand, some of the most significant examples of pollution.

Soil pollution: definition
Soil pollution is a disruptive element for many ecosystems. Its effects are of several kinds, namely deferred or immediate, but also indirect or direct.
The degree of severity of soil pollution is variable. It depends on several factors, such as:

the nature of the soil, which may affect, depending on the case, the diffusion of metals;
the risks of transmission of pathogenic elements following the transport of land;
the level of degradability of each interfering / polluting element;
the very capacity of the pollutant to impact in any way the functioning of the biosphere or an ecosystem.
Good to know: when the origin of soil pollution is determined, this may lead to the creation of a specific fund to deal with the problem. A contribution may be requested from the population group recognized as responsible for this pollution. This is for example the case of the Superfund created in the United States.
Soil pollution: what causes?
Like the degree of severity of the various pollutions, the causes of soil pollution are extremely diverse. Pollutions are recorded in a dedicated register after being mapped. The causes of soil pollution may be related to:

An activity: it can be industrial or agricultural. But it can also be a war, sports, leisure, or certain categories of accidents.
A pollutant, namely:
the chemical elements used in the military field,
the acids,
mineral oils,
Good to know: some indicators make it possible to determine the presence of soil pollution. In many cases, for example, the snail can be used to evaluate the content of pollutants such as pesticides or chromium.